The Nasarawa State chapter of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association, MACBAN, has called on the military to arrest and prosecute its herdsmen involved in any form of crime. The branch chairman, Muhammed Hussein made the call while appealing to the military to stop killing their members. Hussein expressed worries over the spate of attacks on its members. Addressing journalists in Lafia, the state capital, Hussein alleged that six herdsmen and 150 cows had been killed by suspected military personnel. Hussein said, “We are worried how six of our members were shot dead by some bad eggs that are in the military. “If the military suspects any Fulani man for any crime, they should arrest and prosecute him and not to just kill him like that. “I am not aware of what led to the attack but I was informed that some soldiers just invaded Fulani settlement and shot six of our people including a traditional title holder in the Fulani community. “If you claim that the Fulani people committed a crime, how about the cows, what did the cows do that warranted the killing of 150 cows. What for?”

The Nigerian Army has announced the arrest of seventeen people allegedly linked with the killing scores in Plateau attack.
Many were killed in Barkin Ladi, Riyom and Jos South Local Government Areas of the state
According to Army Spokesman, Major Adam Umar, he said three of the arrest persons were linked to killings in the Barikin Ladi area, while the other fourteen people were arrested in connection with the deaths of travellers in the south of the state capital, Jos.
The recent clashes between cattle farmers and herders have put pressure on President Muhammadu Buhari to stop the violence, as he works to secure a second term in the 2019 presidential polls.
“We all know that some days back, some villages in Barikin Ladi were attacked and these three suspects were arrested in connection with that,” Umar said.
“As our men were repelling the attacks in those areas, we arrested these three suspects with four rifles, three locally made guns and one AK47,” he added.
The Plateau Government had since announced a dusk to dawn curfew in Riyom, Barkin Ladi and Jos South local government areas to check possible breakdown of law and order in the state.
The Inspector-General of Police (I-G), Mr Ibrahim Idris, deployed Special Intervention Force to Plateau to restore peace to flash points areas in the state.
