Fed Poly Offa 2017/2018 1st Semester Academic Calendar is out

EDUCATION NEWS – This is to notify the general public that the management of of Federal Polytechnic Offa (OFFAPOLY) has published the 1st semester Academic Calendar for 2017/2018 academic session.
Meanwhile the details of the calendar are contained on the table below;
Monday 16th October, 2017Commencement of First Semester / Resumption of New Students
Tuesday 17th October, 2017Registration for Fresh Students
Tue. 15th August1st Senate Meeting
Tuesday 24th –Thursday 26th Oct, 2017Resumption of Returning Students
Thursday 9th Nov, 20171st Regular Academic Board Meeting
Monday, 13th –Friday 17th – Nov, 2017Late Registration
Monday, 13th Nov, 2017Commencement of Lectures
Thursday, 30th Nov, 2017Matriculation
Thursday, 7th Dec, 20172nd Regular Academic Board Meeting
Friday, 22nd Dec, 2017 -Tuesday 3rd Jan, 2018Christmas and New Year Break
Thursday, 11th Jan, 20183rd Regular Academic Board Meeting
Friday 19th Jan, 2018End of Lectures
Monday 22nd –Friday 26th Jan, 2018Practical Examination
Monday 29th Jan –Friday 9th Feb,2018Examination
Monday 12th Feb, 2018Commencement of 1st Semester Break
Monday 5th March, 2018Resumption for 2nd Semester 2017/2018
